Kimi ga Nozomu Eien - Anime - AniDB (2025)

This is my second review. Once again, for my own purposes so that I don't forget the impression this series left on me, or before my brain starts suppressing the memories of it. Whichever comes first.

The Animation for this series was fairly well done. The background artwork wasn't overly complicated to be distracting, but detailed enough to draw your eye from time to time (appropriately so). The characters weren't as well done as the background in my opinion, more could have been done to synchronize the characters with the background (sometimes they seemed a bit out of place) but it's manageable.

The sound for this series was well done. The audio was clear and the background noise was appropriate at the appropriate times. Water is featured frequently in this series (some of the characters are swimmers) so that part was good. I really don't have much to say about the audio besides the fact that it wasn't obtrusive, but it was good.

The premise of this story is about a girl who falls into coma after a tragic accident, and the preceeding events that follow. It's not an original story but rather one that's been beaten a couple of times, and the creators of Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien felt it was necessary to explore once again. I was told after watching this that it was based on an H-Game, and after asking a friend what a H-Game was, I figured that it did well enough for being based off of it.

In reality, those who I would call "friends" tell me that I don't get mad easily, which I like to think is true. Maybe that's a human interaction thing that doesn't equate with watching anime, but I like to think it does as I find I can tolerate a lot. However, with Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien I found myself wanting to throttle the character's animated necks or lock them in their respective homes. Maybe get an intervention going, tell them to seek counselling, something... anything! Takayuki, the protagonist of the story, is constantly being told that he's a "kind" character, but really, he's not doing anyone any favours. He just mopes around constantly, pretending to be kind when in reality he's just using his kindness as a sort shield to avoid his own reality, and damaging others around him. His inability to realize that his own issues and sort through them only inflicts pain and suffering on those around him. The remaining core characters of this series, as a result, suffer unduly because of that, making Takayuki an unlikeable, even detestable character, though in his small defense, they're not doing themselves any favours.

This anime series would at most deserve space on a rental shelf, not on someone's book shelf unless you're doing a research paper into the psychological aspects of anime characters who emotionally batter one another and fail to use any portion of their cerebral cortex. In short, you can watch it, if you're so curious to do so as I was, but it's not worth the extra bucks to buy it.

Okay, here comes the rant, so brace yourselves.... Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien is not the masterpiece that everyone claimed it to be. I was anticipating something that wouldn't, at the very least, want me to gouge out my eyes and shriek at the characters. But that wasn't the case. Lucky for me, I can multi-task, and surfed the internet, IM'd with my friends while they were watching it at the same time (and ranting to one another about it), and did some studying. If I had actually just watched this series from the start, I probably would have just dropped it. Perhaps that's where I went wrong though, going into this series with any kind of anticipation and from now on, all forgone conclusions made by my friends, or other reviewers, should be treated like trash, but such predispositions aren't likely. However, my compulsive desire to finish a series once I've watched it, combined with the encouragement of friends, kept me going, and thankfully it did. Episodes 1-3 primarily go to establishing the premise of the plotline, girl falls into a coma, and the result of said coma. While I couldn't for the life of me figure out the motivations of any of the characters, it was still tolerable. Episodes 4-9 however are a different story. They're six episodes of agonizing, repetitive, brooding, rubbish. All the characters seem to do is run around from one place to another, fooling themselves and others into thinking that the world will simply fall into place if they let things be and take no action. They lack motivation and control, with the only sane character being the orange haired dude it seems. The only way this part was remotely tolerable, were the hilarious antics of Ayu and Mayu, waitresses at the cafe where Takayuki also works. They probably saved the show for me at least up to that point, as I would have probably dropped it if not for them despite being an obsessive compulsive completionist. Finally, the denouement. After finishing episode 9 and taking a break from the show for a day, I decided that I needed to watch the rest and just get the painful series over with. But, to my great surprise, I wasn't utterly repulsed by the ending! In fact, I was shocked at how good it was. The horrible setup finally gives way to meaningful plot, and the series begins to redeem itself in the final episodes with actual character development and plot! If you've suffered through the first 9 episodes like I did, please continue on to the end! While the abhorration of the first part of this series raises it's ugly head for a few seconds from time to time, this series really does redeem itself in the last few episodes. The ending was thougtful, and more endearing, and almost made you forget about it's dreadful origins, almost. Though it was cliched, it was still good and ultimately made me realize why it was so highly rated (while I still wouldn't rate it as highly as many others have). Perhaps a better analogy at the end of it all would be this, you've been on a diet of salad for 9 days, not the good salad mind you, something that's plain and not really palatable, and so, after all of that, you relish for the next 5 days the taste of a real meal. You don't relish it because it's extraordinary, to the contrary it's a meal you've had before that you liked and didn't think was the best thing you've ever tasted, but rather because you've been on a mediocre diet for the previous 9 days. That's pretty much how I felt about Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien.

That's my review, time for a snack.

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien - Anime - AniDB (2025)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.